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Marvel Animation's "Super Hero Squad Show" debuted on Canada's Teletoon and will premiere in the US on the Cartoon Network, based on the 'Marvel Super Hero Squad' action figure line from Hasbro.
The 'humorous take' on the Marvel universe is produced by Film Roman.
First episodes include Marvel Comics character 'Wolverine' in "To Err Is Superhuman!", written by story editor Matt Wayne, followed by "This Silver, This Surfer!".
Sneak Peek an exclusive Marvel music video for "The Super Hero Squad Show...
Marvel Animation's "Super Hero Squad Show" debuted on Canada's Teletoon and will premiere in the US on the Cartoon Network, based on the 'Marvel Super Hero Squad' action figure line from Hasbro.
The 'humorous take' on the Marvel universe is produced by Film Roman.
First episodes include Marvel Comics character 'Wolverine' in "To Err Is Superhuman!", written by story editor Matt Wayne, followed by "This Silver, This Surfer!".
Sneak Peek an exclusive Marvel music video for "The Super Hero Squad Show...