Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Norrington Stakes Out "Blade" Prequel...

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Stephen Norrington, director of the first "Blade" movie, is reportedly returning to the Marvel Comics superhero film franchise, with actor Stephen Dorff confirming Norrington's new film will be a 'prequel' to New Line's previous "Blade" movies, focusing on the vampire character spin-off 'Deacon Frost'.

Dorff played the 'Deacon' character in the first "Blade" film.

'Deacon Frost' debuted in Marvel's "The Tomb of Dracula" #13 (October 1973), looking for the key to immortality, by kidnapping a woman to inject her with the blood of a recently killed vampire. But during a skirmish Frost was accidentally injected with the blood, becoming a vampire with the ability to generate a 'doppelgänger' out of his victims.

Frost intended to use this power to ascend to the position of 'Lord of Vampires', a position held by 'Dracula'...