The canceled Fox animated comedy series "Futurama" is returning with an order from Comedy Central for 26 episodes to run over two seasons.
"Futurama" creators Matt "The Simpsons" Groening and David X. Cohen are working on new stories for a mid-2010 debut.
"Futurama," airing from 1999-2003 on Fox, follows 'Philip Fry' (Billy West), a pizza delivery boy who gets frozen and wakes up 1,000 years later. His new friends include the one-eyed female 'Leela' (Katey Sagal) and the robot 'Bender' (John DiMaggio)...
"Futurama" creators Matt "The Simpsons" Groening and David X. Cohen are working on new stories for a mid-2010 debut.
"Futurama," airing from 1999-2003 on Fox, follows 'Philip Fry' (Billy West), a pizza delivery boy who gets frozen and wakes up 1,000 years later. His new friends include the one-eyed female 'Leela' (Katey Sagal) and the robot 'Bender' (John DiMaggio)...