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Vancouver's will present "Watchmen Revealed", with Bob Cole, Landon Bootsma and Tim Mulvihill of MPC Vancouver, Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at the Vancouver International Film Centre, 1181 Seymour Street (@ Davie).
At 6:30 pm there will be a 'Licensed Industry Mixer', followed by Main Presentations @ 7: 30 pm, including door prizes, free drinks and a bar.
Director Zack Snyder's Vancouver-lensed "Watchmen" feature, adapting the 1986 DC comics mini-series by writer Alan Moore and illustrator Dave Gibbons, follows a group of masked vigilantes struggling to understand their roles in a world that no longer needs them.
The comic's narrative is a criss-crossing stream of interwoven stories across multiple timelines, dense with symbolic imagery.
Snyder and his team enlisted the help of a number of visual effects houses to assist with the picture, with the majority of work split between Sony Imageworks and The Moving Picture Company (MPC).
MPC's work was completed in its new Vancouver facility, including set extension and wire-removal, close up digital doubles, crowds and CGI sequences, including a nuclear explosion, completing close to 300 shots for the movie, spanning 24 sequences.
The evening's presentation will explore the challenges involved in creating the scenes, focusing on the complex sequences, looking at the genesis of the project from story-boards and reference photography through to final rendered images.
The Moving Picture Company (MPC) is one of the world's leading post-production facilities, networked to facilities in London and Santa Monica...