Thursday, January 15, 2009

Jupiter 9 Tries On "Have Space Suit Will Travel"...

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Science fiction author Robert A. "Starship Troopers" Heinlein's classic 1050's novel "Have Space Suit Will Travel", will be developed as a film by Jupiter 9, the company behind the upcoming "Quantum Quest".

Premise of the story follows 'Clifford Kip Russell', a high school senior, who wins runner-up in a jingle writing contest and is awarded an obsolete, but genuine, used space suit.

He restores the suit and tries it on, only to be abducted by a group of alien 'wormfaces'.

Kip is joined in his incarceration by 'Peewee', a preteen genius who is also the daughter of a famed scientist and alien they call the 'Mother Thing'.

The stakes climb as Kip is soon bounding through space seeing things he never imagined on an intergalactic adventure.

Other films from Jupiter 9 will include"Starship: Mutiny", following 'Commander Wilson Cole' arriving at his new home, a starship named the 'Teddy Roosevelt', "Captain Nemo: The Fantastic History of a Dark Genius", featuring 'Nemo' and his 'Nautilus' in Polarized 3D, "Ill Wind", a cautionary tale set in a future where the world is destroyed and "Alien Safari", featuring a hunting trip on a distant planet, also presented in Polarized 3D...