Saturday, January 24, 2009

Australian Oscar Winners Get The Stamp Of Approval...

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Australian actors Cate Blanchett, Russell Crowe, Nicole Kidman and Geoffrey Rush are being featured on new postage stamps.

The four Academy Award winners have been named "2009 Australia Post Australian Legends" in recognition of the contribution they have made to Australian entertainment/culture.

'The Legends' will be honoured at upcoming Australia Day events with each actor to be presented with 24-carat gold replicas of their stamps.

Nicole Kidman said she hoped her children would have an opportunity to stick her stamp on their mail.

"I have a vested interest in Australia," she said.

"I want my children to live here at certain times of their life and see how wonderful it is. It would be lovely for them to lick a stamp, put it on an envelope and say 'that's my mum'.."

"I am utterly, deeply, humbled and chuffed by the fact that I'm a stamp," added Cate Blanchett.

"I'm going to be licked by millions of Australians and I can't wait..."