Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Patience Is A Virtue For "The Magdalena"...

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Producer Gale Anne Hurd is looking for a director for the Valhalla Motion Pictures take on Top Cow Productions graphic novel "The Magdalena", starring dancer/actress Jenna "Step Up" Dewan.

Premise of "The Magdalena", debuting in Top Cow's "The Darkness" #15 (June 1998), follows 'Mary Magdalene', the 'wife' of Jesus who gives birth to a daughter 'Sarah'. From this holy lineage comes the 'Magdalena', a royal bloodline that passes power from mother to daughter, as warrior/protectors of the Catholic Church.

The Magdalena has the ability to see into the human heart, to show people the error of their ways and give them the choice to redeem their sins. There is only one in every generation, wielding the 'Spear of Destiny' as a formidable weapon against evil.

Since the Middle Ages, the Roman Catholic Church has been the Magdalena's employer, training her until she is ready to take hold of her destiny.

The current Magdalena is 'Patience', who leaves her convent, forcing the Catholic Church's 'Inquisition' to send agent 'Kristof' to track her down to assume the Magdalena mantle.

Kristof finds a troubled Patience living on the streets of New York City with homeless girl 'Rowan Barry', but becomes her mentor and attempts to give her basic training in her holy mission. Initially hesitant, Patience utlimately accepts her destiny when Rowan is abducted by agents of an evil force...