Saturday, December 27, 2008

Imperioli Feeds "The Hungry Ghosts"...

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The 38th International Film Festival Rotterdam January 21- February 1, 2009, will world premiere "The Hungry Ghosts," a first feature directed by Emmy Award winning actor Michael "The Sopranos" Imperioli.

Set in New York over a period of 36 hours, the film follows late-night radio host 'Frank', who gambles and gets stoned at the expense of his teenage son, while philosopher 'Gus', fresh out of a detox program, searches for his ex-lover 'Nadia'.

Based on an original screenplay by Imperoli, the ensemble indie drama started May 19 in New York, reportedly budgeted under $1 million for a 24-day shoot.

The film stars "Sopranos" actors Steve 'Bobby' Schirripa, Sharon 'Rosalie Aprile' Angela, Vince 'John Sack' Curatola and John 'Artie' Ventimiglia...