Thursday, October 09, 2008

Wylie Adapting Tyree's "Flyy Girl"...

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Atlanta-based investor Arthur Wylie has acquired the film rights to New York Times best-selling author Omar Tyree's current novels and future literary works.

The multi-million dollar deal cultivates the big screen presence of the 'Omar Tyree' brand and longevity for the franchise. Since acquiring the film rights, Wylie has successfully brokered deals totaling over $50,000,000 to finance production for 4 of the 16 films between 2009 and 2011.

"Omar Tyree's work covers intricate portrayals of urban life -- be it ambition, sex, or parenthood -- that aren't the traditional Hollywood depictions," said Wylie.

"This translates into compelling, deeper stories that a movie-going audience can connect with and be moved by."

Tyree's coming-of-age story, "FLYY GIRL" has so far sold over a million copies...