The US Cartoon Network has picked up an animated series based on Mattel’s "Hot Wheels" toy property, to begin airing Saturday mornings next year, titled "Hot Wheels: Battle Force 5."
The series will be produced by Toronto's Nelvana and Vancouver’s Nerd Corp Entertainment, for additional broadcast over Canada's Teletoon channel.
"Hot Wheels", the die cast toy cars, were introduced by US toymaker Mattel in 1968, as a competitor to both "Johnny Lightning" and "Matchbox" miniature toy cars until 1996, when Mattel acquired rights to the Matchbox brand from Tyco.
The original "Hot Wheels" logo was designed by California artist Rick Irons, with toy cars and trucks manufactured to 1:64 scale for use on "Hot Wheels" track sets. By 1970 a series of 1:43 scale 'Gran Toros' were introduced.
Recently Mattel manufactured a range of detailed collector vehicles, including replicas of Formula One and NASCAR cars.
There are roughly 10,000 different models of "Hot Wheels" toy cars, with a product line including tracks, accessories, the "Sizzlers" rechargeable electric cars, "Hot Line" trains, "R-R-Rumblers" motorcycles and "Hot Birds" airplanes.
In 1969, a previous "Hot Wheels" cartoon series, aired Saturday mornings...
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Nelvana and Nerd Roll With "Hot Wheels"...
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