Thursday, August 21, 2008

Marvel's "Avengers" Assembling @ Toronto's 'Filmport' ?...

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Toronto’s new, state-of-the-art, $60 million full-service production studio, "Filmport", officially opened its doors with an invite-only media launch party/red carpet ribbon cutting ceremony.

In attendance were Toronto mayor David Miller and director David "A History Of Violence" Cronenberg.

Although the huge facility has yet to book any big-budget US features, director George "Night Of The Living Dead" Romero has set up shop in a suite of offices, for his next Toronto-lensed zombie outing.

Rumours were also circulating that Marvel will shoot their upcoming comic book-to-film superhero team-up "The Avengers" at Filmport.

Labeled 'Earth's Mightiest Heroes', Marvel's "The Avengers", originally consisted of 'Ant-Man', 'Wasp', 'Thor', 'Iron Man, the 'Hulk' and 'Captain America'...