Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Lionsgate's "Conan" Cuts To The Chase...

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Dirk Blackman and Howard McCain will rework the screenplay for the new adventures of "Conan," for Lionsgate.

CEO/president of Paradox Entertainment Fredrik Malmberg is producing the new "Conan" with Boaz Davidson, Joe Gatta and Avi Lerner of Millennium Films.

"We all want this movie to go into production as soon as possible," Malmberg said.

"It's a fast-tracked movie..."

Lionsgate is looking to reinvigorate author Robert E. Howard's pulp magazine barabarian with a $100 million R-rated 'origin' film, the largest production to date for Lionsgate and Millennium.

"Fans expect this to be more true to the source material," Malmberg said. "There's no reason there couldn't be a 'Conan' movie every two years. He's almost like 'Batman': He's a dark hero. He's a hard hero. He has to be badass, but we also have to like him..."

Currently on sale is "Conan: The Phenomenon", illustrated by artist Frank Frazetta.

"I much prefer illustrating the tales of Robert E. Howard," said Frazetta.

"They are much stronger in mood and narration than those of Burroughs and allow a wider range of illustrative interpretations. As St. John is remembered for Edgar Rice Burroughs and Tarzan, I would like to be remembered for REH and Conan...

"I feel a certain sense of loss that Howard isn't alive to appreciate what I've done with Conan."

Nu Image/Millennium Films and Lionsgate previously partnered on "Rambo", co-released by Lionsgate January 25th.

"This is a character unlike any other in the action/adventure canon, with an unlimited potential for stories that are exciting and different," said Lionsgate.