Friday, April 11, 2008

McGowan Taking Off As "Barbarella"...

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Actress Rose "Grindhouse" McGowan has confirmed she will star as the lead character in "Barbarella", a Universal Pictures update of the 1968 feature.

Robert Rodriguez will direct the new version.

“Half of the sets have been built and the costumes are done,” said McGowan.
McGowan said she is a big fan of the original film, directed by Roger Vadim, starring his wife at the time, actress Jane "Klute" Fonda.

Dino "King Kong" De Laurentiis, owner of the screen property and producer of the original film, will executive produce the update.

"This is not a remake of Barbarella," said De Laurentiis, "but a completely new 'Barbarella', with love, sex and adventure..."

"Barbarella" debuted in 1962 as a science fiction comic book, created by writer/artist Jean-Claude Forest, for French "V-Magazine". It was subsequently published as a book by Eric Losfeld.

Premise of the story follows 'Barbarella', a young woman from the future who has numerous 'sex-capades' throughout the galaxy.

The original comic book was modelled on French actress Brigitte Bardot, who was also once married to director Vadim.