Friday, March 28, 2008

UK Pulling Plug On Video Games...

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Video games are set for stricter statutory certification in the UK, further to a report by clinical psychologist Tanya Byron commissioned by Prime Minister Gordon Brown last fall, calling for a clearer classification system for video games similar to those in place for films.

Store owners who sell 'unsuitable' games to children will face fines and jail sentences.

Under current guidelines, only games showing sex or 'gross' violence require a British Board of Film Classification age rating.

Last year, Rockstar Games’ "Manhunt 2," was banned, described as "unremittingly bleak, callous and sadistic." The ban has since been lifted after a toned-down game was released this month.

This week, the 'Miss Bimbo Internet' gaming site came in for heavy criticism from health-care professionals. Targeted at young girls, users spend 'bimbo dollars' to give their virtual bimbo characters diet pills, lingerie, facelifts and breast enlargements...