October 24, a 'manga-sized' adaptation of "Attack of the Clones" using still frames from the 2002 feature "Star Wars: Episode II" will be released, recalling events 10 years after "The Phantom Menace", when a faction of political separatists led by former 'Jedi Knight' 'Count Dooku' attempted to assassinate 'Senator Padme Amidala'...
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Send In The "Clones"...
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October 24, a 'manga-sized' adaptation of "Attack of the Clones" using still frames from the 2002 feature "Star Wars: Episode II" will be released, recalling events 10 years after "The Phantom Menace", when a faction of political separatists led by former 'Jedi Knight' 'Count Dooku' attempted to assassinate 'Senator Padme Amidala'...
October 24, a 'manga-sized' adaptation of "Attack of the Clones" using still frames from the 2002 feature "Star Wars: Episode II" will be released, recalling events 10 years after "The Phantom Menace", when a faction of political separatists led by former 'Jedi Knight' 'Count Dooku' attempted to assassinate 'Senator Padme Amidala'...