Sunday, July 22, 2007

Dolgy Chills With "Winter's Warmth"...

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According to Toronto film-maker Jacob Dolgy, director of the recently completed short film "Winter's Warmth", his movie is about "three lonely souls searching out elements of warmth on a cold winter's night".

"I wanted to shoot a film with basically no crew and minimal light set-ups," Dolgy said.

"The decision to shoot 4:3 and digital was a creative one. Being my first film and given the subject matter I wanted this film to be as primitive as possible...I wanted it to have a dirty look."

"I believe a short film shouldn't strive to be more than a moment in time and that's exactly what this film is. Things have happened before we fade in and life goes on after we fade out. What happens in between is a brief glimpse into the existence of these three characters..."

"Winter's Warmth" premieres in October...