Thirty years ago, an unheralded film known as "Star Wars" opened in theaters and took audiences on a groundbreaking journey to a galaxy far, far away. It instantly seized the public’s imagination, and three decades later still claims that grasp.
Now, a new special from The History Channel seeks to understand why the emotional impact of the "Star Wars" Saga remains as relevant as ever.
The two-hour special "Star Wars: The Legacy Revealed" is a World Premiere on The History Channel, Monday, May 28 at 9pm ET/PT.
Through interviews with politicians, academics, journalists and critics – all of whom weigh in on the enduring appeal of George Lucas’s creations – the special demonstrates that "Star Wars" isn’t just a high-action adventure in space.
It’s a remarkably complex and sophisticated story about power, politics, sin, spirituality and redemption—almost Shakespearean in its power, humour, presentation and influence.
"Star Wars: The Legacy Revealed" includes interviews with politicians, academics, journalists and critics, who all weigh in on the creations of George Lucas.
"The enduring appeal of "Star Wars",” says Tom Brokaw, "is that it’s this vastly entertaining piece of cinema that also leaves you … with the idea that there are some real issues out there that we ought to be thinking about—good and evil, and right and wrong, and heroism. Generations of people a long time from now will be enthralled by it, just as we are enthralled by the story of Robin Hood or King Arthur’s Court or any of the Shakespearean tales."
The special unites a diverse group of high-profile "Star Wars" fans, from filmmakers to politicians to journalists. Their comments punctuate footage from all six episodes of the "Star Wars" Saga.
"The idea of the underdog who’s on the right side defeating the overdog who’s on the wrong side is a deeply American mythology," says former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who climbed a high political fence to agree with current Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on the movies’ impact.
Says Pelosi: "The legacy of George Lucas fits very comfortably among the classics of all time, whether ancient or modern."
Adds "The Lord of the Rings" director Peter Jackson: "You don’t even have to ask, ‘Will it stand the test of time?’ It has and it will."
"Star Wars: The Legacy Revealed" is produced by Prometheus Entertainment in association with Lucasfilm Ltd.
Executive Producer is Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Kevin Burns ("Look, Up in the Sky!").
Executive Producer for The History Channel is Beth Dietrich Segarra.
The History Channel® is one of the leading cable television networks featuring compelling original, non-fiction specials and series that bring history to life in a powerful and entertaining manner across multiple platforms. The network provides an inviting place where people experience history in new and exciting ways enabling them to connect their lives today to the great lives and events of the past that provide a blueprint for the future. The History Channel has earned four Peabody Awards, three Primetime Emmy® Awards, 10 News & Documentary Emmy® Awards and received the prestigious Governor's Award from the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences for the network's Save Our History® campaign dedicated to historic preservation and history education. The History Channel reaches more than 91 million Nielsen subscribers.