Monday, November 27, 2006

Toons Re-Imagined As "Loonatics Unleashed"

"Loonatics Unleashed" is an animated TV series produced by Warner Bros. Entertainment that debuted September 2005.

The show is loosely based on 'Looney Tunes' cartoons, re-imagined into new, super-hero characters placed in action-comedy situations.

Main characters are 'Danger Duck', 'Ace Bunny', 'Lexi Bunny', 'Tech E. Coyote', 'Slam Tasmanian' and 'Rev Runner'.

Stories are set in the year 2772, when a meteor strikes the 'Acmetropolis', knocking it off its axis, releasing supernatural forces and creating the 'Loonatics'.

Click here for more "Loonatics Unleashed"