Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Snyder Watches Over Moore's "Watchmen"

According to IGN, director Zack "300" Snyder's next film will be "Watchmen", based on the DC-Vertigo comic book series by Alan Moore and artist Dave Gibbons.

The "Watchmen" stories were set in America (1985), in a parallel universe, where real costumed vigilantes started appearing in the 1930s and 1940s.

A loose association was formed, but eventually disbanded when the government outlawed costumed crimefighters.

Most went into hiding or early retirement, but one continued working for the government.

Snyder believes the key to the movie is to stay true to Moore's original vision.

"It's a labor of love, and I've wanted to try to get back to the source material as much as I could without it being, of course, a six-hour long movie...I will tell you that the draft of the script is long."

Snyder is already investigating avenues of release for an extended cut of the film.

Like "300" and "Sin City", "Watchmen" intends to utilize green screen and CG VFX coupled to backgrounds and sets.

Click here for more "Watchmen"